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A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

My rating: 5/5

Genre: High Fantasy

Category: YA to New Adult

Publisher: Bloomsbury

How do I start to describe how amazing this book is?

Sarah did it all, a breath-taking plot, an awe inspiring subplot, overly loveable characters, the best romance EVER, and something every reader could connect and fall in love with.

ACOMAF is the second book in Sarah J. Maas’ A Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy. Sarah’s writing is as amazing as ever, it took me a few chapters to get sucked in but after chapter 3 I could put the book down, even to eat (And that’s saying something for me). I’m slightly bias seeing as Sarah is my idol but THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ!

There’s not much non-spoilery stuff i can say as this is a second book but seriously guys if you’re not on this bandwagon you need to be.

Okay spoiler time!

We continue virtually where we left off in ACOTAR. Feyre is back in the spring court planning for her wedding to Tamlin, learning to live as a High Fae. She is trying to ignore that she still has the deal with Rhysand, a week spent with him in the Night Court each month. Feyre and Tamlin’s relationship is rocky from the get go and neither of them really talk to each other. What they wen’t through in ACOTAR has really put a bump in the road, neither of them want to talk about it but Tamlin takes this to the extreme and keeps Feyre trapped away (literally) and out of danger. With everything going on around her and Feyre just having to go along with it and not question anything, you can tell Feyre feels abandoned. As Feyre walks down the aisle at her own wedding to Tamlin we encounter Rhys for the first time and this is where the story takes an amazing turn for the better.

As the story develops everything gets more and more fantastic. Feyre goes on missions and adventures to find a way to kill the King of Hybern, the way Sarah has Feyre slowly learn and develop her magic is so brilliant, we get to know her frustrations when she fails and her excitement when she does something well. I loved that. We see her develop as a person as well as a High Fae with all the powers of the High lords.

Feyre and Rhysand’s relationship develops in what I feel is a realistic way, their feelings are admitted slowly, they don’t jump straight into love and sex, they have to become friends first, yes there is always a small amount of sexual tension, but that’s norma when there’s a guy like Rhys in the situation!

Rhys’ character is one of my favourites in the series, he’s so complex and intriguing and I adore that about characters. He has a vulnerable side and a hard exterior and that makes him one of the most interesting characters I have ever read. Aside from Rhys my other favourite character in the book is Mor, her backstory was heart breaking and scaring but the way she was able to live with it and stay strong throughout was inspiring. I always think Sarah’s characters are fantastic and ACOMAF didn’t disappoint, everyone was so interesting and had something about them that made you want to know more.

Favourite Quotes:

Sarah’s books always have so many amazing quotes and it was extremely difficult to pick just 5.

‘There are good days and hard days for me, even now. Don’t let the hard days win.’ ~ Mor, giving me a quote to live by.

‘it had filled my time – given me quiet, steadfast company with those characters, who did not exist and never would, but somehow made me feel less… alone.’ ~ Feyre, explain how we all feel about book characters.

‘To people who look at the stars and wish. To the Stars who listen and the dreams that are answered.’ ~ Feyre and Rhysand, it’s just such a beautiful quote.

‘I blinked. I’d forgotten – I’d forgotten that strength in my panic. Just like with the Weaver. I’d forgotten how strong I was.’ ~ Feyre, finally realising she is a lot stronger than she thought, a lot stronger than Tamlin made her feel.

‘I closed my eyes at the whisper of a kiss… And all around us, as if the world itself were indeed falling apart, the stars rained down.’ ~ Feyre, starfall was one of my favourite scenes and this quote is just so gorgeous.

Another brilliant book from Sarah J. Maas. I simply cannot wait from ACOTAR #3


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