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Initiate by Laura L. Fox

My rating: 5/5

Genre: Sci-fi

Category: YA

Publisher: OfTomes

It has taken me a long time to even start this review. Not because I had nothing to say but because I truly don’t know how to portray how magnificent this book is.

Firstly, I want to say a quick thank you to OfTomes publishing for sending me an eARC of Initiate, simply put; I loved every second.

Laura is a wizard of Sci-fi. Seriously her setting; her plot; her characters… oh boy. I was in awe.

As soon as I read the first sentence I was hooked and couldn’t stop reading, I was completely and fully immersed in the world of Initiate from the get go. Even after turning the last page it wouldn’t let me go. I NEED MORE!

I always love a character driven story and Laura didn’t disappoint. Her characters were funny, emotional; and the perfect friends. I felt like I was reading genuine people, not fictional characters. To quote Riga… Omigod, this book was absolutely amazing! Riga is one of my favourite females of YA. She is so loyal, loving, independent, and never afraid to fight for the answers she wants. Laura manages to show Riga character development amazingly and the few glances into her past that we get are wonderful in helping us get to know Riga even better! Riga and Mynta’s friendship is so genuine and refreshing; they are total opposites but seem to fit as friends perfectly.

Initiate is so well written, Laura’s writing is so beautiful and whimsical. I was instantly in love. I’ve never read anything situated in Antarctica and I adored that aspect. It was so new and refreshing. Laura’s attention to detail blew me away. She was able to make Riga’s world of ice sound so beautiful. I could see everything perfectly, all of the glory right there as if I was standing in the tunnels with the characters.

Initiate is a very fast, action packed read and it works so well. The suspense throughout had me on the edge of my seat, literally, I was gasping at every other page, I was crying, laughing and almost screaming at points.

This book was better than anything I could have dreamed. It left me breathless and begging for more. Laura L. Fox you truly are a fantastic author! Undoubtedly a 5 STAR read; I’d give more if I could!

You NEED to keep your eyes out for this book when it hits shelves on the 15th of November.

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