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Forsaken by Jana Oliver

My rating: 4/5

Genre: Fantasy

Category: YA

Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books

A magical and intriguing read.

Nothing like I expected it to be. All the characters have a way of making you love them. Yes all of them, even the ones you probably shouldn’t.

I completely lost myself in this book, I couldn’t stop reading… even to eat and that’s saying something for me.

Oliver’s writing is captivating and beautifully fluid, just right! Her idea’s are unique and crisp, exactly what is needed for a none-stop read!

Riley is one of the few main characters that I LOVE unconditionally, they normally have that one quality that hits the wrong nerve with me, but Riley doesn’t. She’s heroic, interesting and relatable! Her reactions never felt wrong or out of place. Her behaviour was always just and I adored that.

Beck… Oh Beck *heart eyes* he’s perfect. Slightly sarcastic, slightly cocky, but perfectly charming. I’m in love!

Forsaken is a brilliant start to what I can tell is going to be a fantastic series!

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