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Pokemon GO Tag!

I was tagged by the amazingly wonderful Nazima! The orginal post was by ReadAtMidnight such a fun tag and I can't wait to answer the questions!

I've been reading for as long as I can remember but the books that spured my admiration and obseesion with books were probably Twilight by Stephanie Meyer... Yes I know they aren't the best but they were the start of everything for me.

There are so many classics I will always love but to pick one..... Ummm... Matilda by Roald Dahl. I love the film so much and the book is soooo much better!

Oh dear....there aren't many books I have lot interest in because I love books but I'd have to say Divergent... it's literally EVERYWHERE!

I can't think of one off the top of my head but I have heard that Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard has been compared to loads of other YA books... it doesn't mean I'm not going to read it!

This one is super easy... The Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin! I absolutely adore the TV show and really really really want to read the books but they are just sooooo scary!

I don't tend to read Horror/ scary books so I'm going to take a different spin on this and say a book that made me stay up late reading! The most recent one being This Savage Song by V.E Schwab! This book was mind-blowingly amazing and such a unique story! I couldn't put it down!

Ha! Am I only supposed to name one? This list could be quite long! Feysand (ACOMAF by Sarah J. Maas), Kaz and Inej (Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo), Meira and Theron (Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch), Rowaelin (Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas), Wessa (The Infernal Device by Cassandra Clare), Amani and Jin (Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton), Lainey and Ty (KEEPER by Kim Chance) and Emma and Julian (The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare).... there are so many more!!!

There are so may books that I couldn't put down and were so amazingly fast paced... the book that comes to mind however is Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo... I listened to this as an audio book and holy guacamole it was fantabulous!

Oh... definitely The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare! I personally believe the spin offs are better than the originals so the more the better!

Honestly there are so many but I'd have to say The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater... I didn't know anything about this book when I started and I was amazed and I absolutely loved it!

Going to have to go with Caraval by Stephanie Garber! I was lucky enough to be sent an ARC of Caraval and I am so excited to get stuck in! Sounds like a wonderful and intriguing story!

SOOOOOO MANY! Sarah J. Maas, Cassandra Clare, Alwyn Hamilton, Leigh Bardugo, Amanda Hocking, Victoria Schwab.... SO many amazing authors.... I NEED ALL THE BOOKS!

I am ashamed to say I haven't read these yet but Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan. I live everything to do with gods and mythology so I know I'll love them I've just been too busy too read them.

This was actually really difficult to think of as the majority of the books I am obsessed with haven't been pushed back. The book that comes to mind though is KEEPER by Kim Chance. I was chosen to be a beta reader for KEEPER back in May and it was such an amazing experience. I honestly NEED this to be a physical book! I'm begging you, someone publish it!

This one is super easy! The 20th anniversary addition of Outlander! It's sos beautiful and seeing as it is one of my favourite series I really need to get it!

I will be filming this as a video on my BookTube as soon as I can so look out for that!

I am going to tag:

and anyone else who wants to do this tag! <3

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